Ceramic - Page 6 of 26
North Midlands/Staffordshire slipware mug base.
Coarse Earthenware | Object #: 1693859
Explore This ItemManganese mottled earthenware milk pan.
Coarse Earthenware | Object #: 1693860
Length and width of largest mended sherd group. Capacity: 7.66 imperial pints.
Explore This ItemNorth Midlands/Staffordshire slipware hollowware BASE H.
Coarse Earthenware | Object #: 1693861
Explore This ItemNorth Midlands/Staffordshire slipware hollowware BASE G
Coarse Earthenware | Object #: 1693862
Straight-sided vessel.
Explore This ItemNorth Midlands/Staffordshire slipware hollowware BASE F.
Coarse Earthenware | Object #: 1693864
Straight-sided vessel.
Explore This ItemNorth Midlands/Staffordshire slipware hollowware BASE E.
Coarse Earthenware | Object #: 1693872
Explore This ItemNorth Midlands/Staffordshire slipware hollowware BASE D.
Coarse Earthenware | Object #: 1693880
Explore This ItemNorth Midlands/Staffordshire slipware spouted hollowware vessel.
Coarse Earthenware | Object #: 1693889
Body, spout, rim. Possible pitcher of some kind.
Explore This ItemNorth Midlands/Staffordshire slipware hollowware vessel.
Coarse Earthenware | Object #: 1693897
Explore This ItemNorth Midlands/Staffordshire slipware milkpan.
Coarse Earthenware | Object #: 1693899
Explore This ItemManganese mottled earthenware milk pan.
Coarse Earthenware | Object #: 1693900
Length and width of largest mended sherd group. Capacity: 9.40 imperial pints. Capacity measure may be slightly off because inner rim diameter was immeasurable, so outer rim diameter and true height was used. Capacity may actually be closer to Object 2659.
Explore This ItemNorth Midlands/Staffordshire slipware hollowware vessel.
Coarse Earthenware | Object #: 1693901
Explore This ItemNorth Midlands/Staffordshire slipware hollowware vessel.
Coarse Earthenware | Object #: 1693902
Explore This ItemNorth Midlands/Staffordshire slipware hollowware vessel.
Coarse Earthenware | Object #: 1693909
Explore This ItemNorth Midlands/Staffordshire slipware hollowware vessel.
Coarse Earthenware | Object #: 1693914
Possible porringer or pan.
Explore This ItemNorth Midlands/Staffordshire slipware hollowware vessel.
Coarse Earthenware | Object #: 1693925
Possible porringer or pan.
Explore This ItemBuckley milk pan.
Coarse Earthenware | Object #: 1693944
Length and width of largest sherd.
Explore This ItemBuckley milk pan.
Coarse Earthenware | Object #: 1693945
Inner rim diameter: 290mm. Capacity: 11.18 imperial pints.
Explore This ItemWilliam Roger's earthenware milk pan.
Coarse Earthenware | Object #: 1693996
William Rogers. Length and width of largest mended sherd group.
Explore This ItemColonoware vessel, unidentified form.
Coarse Earthenware | Object #: 1693998
Two non-mending sherds.
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