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Statement from the Mount Vernon Ladies' Association about the Trump-Macron Visit

MOUNT VERNON, VA - Mount Vernon has a firm, long-standing policy of not commenting on the details of high-profile visits to the home of George Washington. However, we believe in the importance of ensuring that reports about events that take place at Mount Vernon are accurate. As such, we are concerned that the third-party accounts of the Trump-Macron visit released by several media outlets today do not correctly reflect the events that transpired nearly a year ago.

Mount Vernon President Doug Bradburn and Regent Sarah Coulson escorted the presidents and first ladies on a tour of the Mansion on April 23, 2018.  During the tour, all parties were interested and engaged in the story of George Washington and his beloved home.  Conversations touched on topics like business dealings, real estate, and related matters that were of relevance and interest to the touring parties, and questions were asked by both leaders with curiosity and respect. Comments pulled from sources who were not present for the tour do not properly convey the tone and context in which they were delivered. 

For more than 200 years, Mount Vernon has welcomed heads of state and world leaders, offering them a place to find inspiration in Washington’s example of servant leadership.  The Mount Vernon Ladies’ Association is proud to have carried on that tradition of diplomacy during last year’s state visit, and we look forward to welcoming similar delegations for generations to come.


Read Mount Vernon's original statement from the visit here.

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