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Students from Florida and Virginia Selected for the Mount Vernon 2024 Student of the Year Prize for Excellence in Civics and History in Honor of Dr. Jennifer London

George Washington’s Mount Vernon Offers Rich Civics Education Resources, Including New Democracy Videos Featuring Don Cheadle, Harrison Ford, Maya Hawke, and Zoe Saldana

Mount Vernon, VA, September 12, 2024 – George Washington’s Mount Vernon has selected Sachin Saravanan from Jacksonville, Florida, and Katie Wurst from Falls Church, Virginia, as recipients of The 2024 Mount Vernon Prize for Excellence in Civics and History. This prestigious award is in honor of Dr. Jennifer London and is bestowed annually to two projects in recognition of outstanding middle and high school students who apply their knowledge of George Washington’s life to extend his legacy of public service and scholarship to their classrooms, schools, or communities.

“This year’s Student of the Year Award recipients have created powerful projects that reflect George Washington’s incredible legacy of service and leadership,” said Allison Wickens, Education Vice President for Mount Vernon. “It is remarkable to see how President Washington continues to inspire future generations through this award.”

In support of civics education, George Washington’s Mount Vernon provides a wealth of educational resources about the life and legacy of America’s first president. From this award to events to teacher lesson plans, this educational programming supports a deep exploration of Washington’s world both in and out of the classroom. New educational resources now available include videos explaining why President Washington's actions to step down from power, encourage unity, inspire civic virtue, and secure individual freedoms remain so important to democracy. These videos include:

  • Relinquishing Power: Actor Don Cheadle explores Washington’s legacy as an American Cincinnatus, willingly walking away from power and ensuring the success of the American Revolution. Watch here.
  • Encouraging National Unity: Actor Harrison Ford reflects upon Washington's warnings about political polarization in his Farewell Address. Watch here.
  • Inspiring Civic Virtue: Actress Zoe Saldana discusses Washington's legacy as a civic-minded citizen and his sense of duty. Watch here.
  • Securing Individual Freedoms. Actress Maya Hawke explores Washington's pivotal role in securing the freedom of expression and conscience for Americans. Watch here.

2024 High School Winner, Sachin Saravanan

Sachin Saravanan graduated from Stanton College Preparatory High School located in Jacksonville, Florida, in 2024, and attends the University of Central Florida in Orlando. His project focuses on George Washington and the Continental Army’s time in Valley Forge. He conducted extensive research and relied on resources from Mount Vernon, the National Archives, and his local library. In his documentary video, Sachin emphasizes that one of George Washington’s strengths was his humility, along with his ability to seek and listen to the advice of trusted counselors. This eventually led him to establish a presidential cabinet, a precedent set by Washington that has become a lasting legacy of his vision for the country. The project expanded his knowledge of George Washington’s role in the American Revolution and inspired him to become more civically engaged and an active member in his community. Sachin has been awarded a $5,000 prize and a family membership to Mount Vernon.

His teacher, Russell Petrick, said, “It is clear that Sachin loves to learn and is passionate about George Washington and his leadership. His documentary is a clear reflection of his desire to share his knowledge about Washington’s leadership with his teachers and peers. I believe that Washington embodies the characteristics of an American patriot who served the country and the people with integrity, and I feel that this award succeeds in keeping Washington's legacy alive.” Russell received a cash award of $500 for his work supervising the project.

Watch the project.

Read more about Sachin Saravanan and his project.

2024 Middle School Winner, Katie Wurst

Katie Wurst attends Acton Academy in Falls Church, Virginia. She based her project on a “Quest” classroom project where students play loyalists and patriots before the American Revolution. The Quest lasts three weeks and gives students a sense of the circumstances leading up to the outbreak of the war. Katie documented the project to understand how student sentiment, thoughts, and emotions changed.  She was inspired to make George Washington one of the central areas of focus in her project following a field trip to Mount Vernon.  She recorded the classroom activities and her classmates’ decisions and actions, then edited the footage into an engaging short film. Katie also supported the video with a report on the laws and restrictions imposed by the British on the colonies, comparing them to the gradual loss of freedom that she and her classmates experienced during the Quest. The project gave her a deeper appreciation of the hard-fought freedoms the nation gained as a direct result of the Revolutionary War. Wurst has been awarded a $1,000 prize and a family membership to Mount Vernon.

Katie’s teacher, Virginia Stowe, said, “Katie decided to record videos of her and her classmates' experiences during this quest, and she researched the life of George Washington to draw parallels between his situation and theirs in the experiment. We hope Katie's vivid documentation of her school experience will inspire others to do similar school experiments.” Stowe received a cash award of $500 for her work supporting the project.

Watch the short film.

Read more about Katie Wurst and her project.

Mount Vernon’s Student Advisory Board plays a key role in selecting of each year’s winners. This talented group of high school students also assists Mount Vernon with creating engaging learning experiences for students of all ages, evaluates programs, and contributes to the development of exciting new initiatives.

Jacob Hwu, a junior at Glenelg High School and a member of the 2023 – 2024 Mount Vernon’s Student Advisory Board, said, “Being part of the selection process for Mount Vernon's Student of the Year Award has been an enlightening experience. This award holds great significance because it recognizes the dedication, work, and exceptional achievements of students from around the country. There were so many worthy projects from middle and high school students this year, and  winners exemplify excellence in applying their knowledge of George Washington's life and legacy."

Sahasra Jonnalagadda, a senior at Stone Bridge High School and a member of the 2023 – 2024 Mount Vernon’s Student Advisory Board, said, "The selection process for the Mount Vernon's Student of the Year Award is rigorous and comprehensive, assessing each entry on creativity, historical accuracy, and relevance. Katie Wurst's submission distinguished itself with an innovative approach, reimagining a modern classroom through the lens of the American Revolution. She brought George Washington to life for students, and her submission exemplifies how understanding history can be engaging and relevant."

Learn more about the Mount Vernon Prize for Excellence in Civics and History and how to nominate a student for 2025.

Mount Vernon, the home of George Washington, is owned and operated by the Mount Vernon Ladies’ Association, the oldest national historic preservation organization in the United States. The estate is open to visitors and includes the Mansion, a museum and education center, gardens, tombs, a working farm, a functioning distillery, and a gristmill. It also includes the George Washington Presidential Library at Mount Vernon. 


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