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Ductwork Removal from the Cellar

The Preservation and Project Management teams reached an important milestone by overseeing the removal of the existing ductwork in the Mansion cellar.

The removal of this ductwork will make way for its replacement with a more efficient HVAC (heating/ventilation/air conditioning) system, which will provide climate control in the cellar for the first time in its history and allow for more precise environmental control in individual rooms of the Mansion. The new HVAC ductwork will be relocated underground and out of sight, facilitating improved stewardship and interpretation of this historic space.

In the meantime, a temporary flexible ductwork has been installed, allowing Mount Vernon’s Preservation team to conduct maintenance on the cellar’s west wall—an area that has not been accessible since 1998. The flexible ductwork also allows the Archaeology team to excavate next to the west wall.

After the existing HVAC ductwork was removed, temporary flexible ductwork was installed, allowing entry to previously inaccessible portions of the cellar. (MVLA)
Members of Mount Vernon’s Archaeology team excavate an area of the cellar that was inaccessible prior to the removal of the former HVAC system. The temporary flexible ductwork can be seen suspended above the ground. (MVLA)

Ductwork Removal

The HVAC system that was installed in the cellar of the Mansion in 1999 has been removed to make way for a more efficient mechanical system.

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The Cellar

In George Washington’s time, the cellar was used for a variety of functions, including the storage of supplies and foodstuffs. There is also evidence the cellar housed a kitchen for the individuals assigned to serve the Washington household, and it probably served as quarters for an enslaved man named Frank Lee, who is known to have acted in the capacity of “butler,” and his family. 

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