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President Washington

As the first president, George Washington did a lot of things. He navigated issues surrounding foreign affairs, the institution of slavery, indigenous nations, and divisions between states. Scroll to learn more about Washington's presidency.

The Cabinet

One of the first things George Washington did as president was establish a cabinet, which was a council of advisors that helped him make decisions.

Washington's Cabinet Memebers

The Neutrality Crisis

While Great Britain and France were at war in 1793, the U.S. promised not to get involved. However, things got messy when the French ambassador in America began to convince American citizens to fight for France.

Choosing Sides

George Washington and Slavery

After the Revolution, George Washington privately showed opposition to the institution of slavery. In public, however, he took a more neutral position.

The Institution of Slavery

George Washington and Native Americans

As President, George Washington interacted with a lot of indigenous peoples. He distributed peace medals, negotiated treaties, and tried to regulate colonial settlers approaching native lands.

Diplomacy with Native Americans

Be Washington

Do you think you would make the same decisions as President Washington? Find out in Be Washington, the interactive game where you get to lead like George Washington.

It's Your Turn to Lead
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Anti-Slavery Token

Tokens like these were passed around by Quakers in both Britain and America. They tried to persuade people that slavery was evil and should be abolished.

Explore the Anti-Slavery Token
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Neutrality Proclamation

George Washington issued a statement of neutrality when Britain, France, and other countries in Europe broke out into war. 

Read the Proclamation
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Whiskey Rebellion Proclamation

A rebellion broke out in Pennslyvania over taxes. President Washington issued this statement, demanding the rebels step down.

Explore the Proclamation

The Whiskey Rebellion Timeline

Explore this interactive timeline to learn more about the Whiskey Rebellion and how George Washington handled the conflict.

Explore the Timeline