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The Battle of Yorktown is an essential battle of the Revolutionary War. It contains military strategy, diplomacy, and negotiation tactics. Use these resources to accompany Now or Never: The Yorktown Campaign of 1781!

Inquiry Questions to Consider

Use these inquiry questions to spark analysis while viewing the film.

  • What difficulties might someone encounter when working with another person or group?
  • What is the relationship between diplomacy and compromise?
  • How does honor play a role in the Battle of Yorktown?
  • What makes a good leader? How did leadership contribute to Washington's success?
  • Why did the Battle of Yorktown have to be "now or never"?

Interactive Timeline

Use this timeline to explore different events in the American Revolution

Explore the Timeline
Card Image

Interactive Map

Click the link to access an interactive map depicting the Battle of Yorktown, written by French cartographers. This map also includes more information about the battle itself.

Interactive Map
Card Image

Graphic Organizers

These Graphic Organizers are meant to aid viewers and provide opportunities to record thoughts, questions, and ideas. Click below to view Graphic Organizers!


Graphic Organizers
Card Image

Vocabulary Terms

Use these handouts to help clarify complex words and concepts while discussing the Battle of Yorktown.


Vocabulary Terms
Card Image


Download the transcript of Now or Never: The Yorktown Campaign of 1781 to help view and plan with the film.

Download the Transcript

Watch Now or Never

Learn how Washington successfully led American forces to victory at the Battle of Yorktown, resulting in the end of the Revolutionary War

This project was funded through a grant approved by the Americana Corner Preserving America Grant Program

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