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Have you ever wondered what Washington's daily life was like?

Life in colonial America was very different from the conveniences we have today.  Let's explore some of the popular things we do today and see how they would be different in Washington's time.

10 Facts About the Early American Economy

10 Facts About the Early American Economy

Going to the Theater

While the motion picture wouldn’t be invented for more than a hundred years after their deaths, the Washingtons loved to be entertained.  A famously avid theater-goer, Washington’s highly detailed record-keeping provides valuable information about the movement of acting companies throughout the region, and the types of performances offered.

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Shoe Shopping with Martha Washington

Go shoe shopping with Martha Washington and discover what kind of shoes a young, chic Virginian would have purchased in the 18th century.

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Did Washington really love to dance? Emphatically, yes. Washington once described dancing as “so agreeable and innocent an amusement.” First-hand accounts say he was extremely good at it – and was always quite the center of attention.

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Dating Advice

George Washington, relationship guru? Actually, he gave his step-granddaughters some pretty awesome dating advice.

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Staying Cool at Mount Vernon

In the 18th-century world of Martha and George Washington, beating the summer heat meant employing a handful of methods and tricks.

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Fake News

Although “fake news” makes headlines today, it is actually nothing new and even affected George Washington.

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