Washington was a pioneering farmer, experimenting with a variety of types of crops to his rotation.
Philadelphia Barley | Red Potatoes | Flax |
Naked Barley | Rutabaga | India Hemp |
White Corn | Swedish Turnips | Oronoco Tobacco |
Indian Corn | English Turnips | Buckwheat |
Rare Ripe Corn | Naper Turnips | Red Clover |
Swamp Corn | Winter Turnips | Hop Clover |
Millet | Summer Turnips | Yellow Clover |
Broom Corn | Rhubarb | Sweet Clover |
White Oats | Summer Squash | Sainfoin Clover |
Common Oats | Watermelon | Sulla Clover |
Poland Oats | Pumpkins | White Clover |
English Oats | Homeny Beans | Common Hops |
Rye | Bunch Homeny Bean | Orchard Grass |
Cape of Good Hope | Berkshire Beans | Bird Grass |
Wheat | Gloucester Beans | Guinea Grass |
Russian Wheat | Lima Beans | New River Grass |
Spelt | Windsor Beans | Timothy Grass |
Common Wheat | Cabbage | Fescue |
Black Wheat | American Cabbage | Burnet Grass |
Red May Wheat | Kale | Rib Grass |
Red Winter Wheat | Albany Peas | Borden Grass |
Red Straw Wheat | Small Gray Peas | Lucerne |
Lamas Wheat | Small Round Peas | Chicory |
Yellow Bearded Wheat | Small White Peas | Botany Bay Grass |
White Wheat | Red Peas | Ryegrass |
Early White Wheat | Crowder Peas | Eastern Shore Bean Grass |
Egyptian Wheat | Common Country Peas | Choricum Grass |
Double Headed Wheat | Indian Peas | White Bent Grass |
Mangel-Wurzel Beets | Cowpeas | Mountain Pea |
Orange Carrots | Black-eyed Peas | Fenugreek |
Red Horn Carrots | Everlasting Peas | Trefoil |
Jerusalem Artichokes | Painted Lady Peas | Madder |
Parsnips | Yateman Peas | Fancy Grass |
White Potatoes | White Cotton | Wild Oats |
Sweet Potatoes | Nankeen Cotton |