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Enjoy this modern recipe. 


  • 7 pounds peaches, peeled
  • 4 pounds brown sugar
  • 1 quart vinegar
  • 2 ounces cinnamon sticks
  • 1 ounce whole cloves


Put peaches in a stone jar or sterilized glass jar. Boil sugar with vinegar and the spices in linen bags and pour over the peaches. Let stand in a cool place for 4 days. On the 5th day simmer peaches in the vinegar and spices until you can touch the pits with a fork. Skim peaches out, remove pits and boil juice hard for about 1 1/2 hour. Pour back into jar, seal, and process. They are ready for winter use. Spiced peaches are always better after they have stood for at least 6 weeks. Delicious with hot or cold roast beef.

Yield: About 3 quarts