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The King's Plum Pudding (receipt used by the Royal Family since the days of George I)


  • 1 1/2 pounds suet, finely shredded
  • 1 pound brown sugar (corse crystals, Demerara)
  • 1 pound small raisins (sultanas)
  • 1 pound large raisins, stoned and cut in half
  • 4 ounces citron, cut In thin slices
  • 8 eggs (1 pound eggs weighed in their shells)


Beat eggs to a froth and then add to them a half-pint of milk and mix the various ingredients. Let mixture stand for 12 hours in a cool place and then put in a mold and steam for 8 hours. This makes 3 ordinary sized puddings. Among the presents taken to India by Their Majesties, George V and Queen Mary were a large number of plum puddings made from this receipt. Serve with hard sauce.