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  1. Performances by visiting schools or other organizations must be approved by the Department of Hospitality. Requests must be submitted to at least two weeks in advance. In the request, please include a description of the group, your purpose for performing, date and time of performance, group size, and details regarding the content of the performance.

  2. Performance groups are subject to the following security regulations:
    a. Upon arrival to the property, performance groups must establish contact with a staff member from the Office Events & Protocol before the group enters the estate/orientation center. Contact information will be provided in advance.
    b. All bags and instrument cases will be inspected upon entering the estate. For more information on bag inspections, go to
    c. Participants may enter the estate with their instruments no earlier than 30 minutes before the performance time. One bag/case is allowed per participant.
    d. Following the performance, participants may exit the estate to return their instruments. Upon reentry, participants are again subject to bag inspections.

  3. Participants must pay admission to Mount Vernon. Tickets (with discounts for groups of 20 or more) can be purchased through Mount Vernon’s Reservations Office by calling 703.799.8688 or emailing

  4. Performances must comply with the following regulations:
    a. Music must be classical, patriotic, or appropriate to the 18th Century.
    b. Musical performances must not exceed 30 minutes.
    c. Musical performances must not include dance, marching, or props of any kind.

  5. Participants must wear clothing that is both appropriate and respectful for Mount Vernon.

  6. Performances must take place in an area designated by the Office of Events & Protocol. Shelter from inclement weather is not available.

  7. Mount Vernon will not provide electric service, seating, music stands, transportation, or any other logistical support.

  8. All equipment or instruments used as part of the performance must be hand-held (for example, instruments that rest on the ground, such as timpani drums, and instruments requiring seating, such as cellos, are not permitted). Carts and dollies are not permitted on the Estate. Chairs are not permitted. Music stands are discouraged, but allowed if handheld. Vehicle access to the performance site is not permitted.

  9. Mount Vernon will not provide storage for instruments, clothing, or other property.

  10. Mount Vernon reserves the right to end or cancel a performance at any time.
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