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A celebration in support of Mount Vernon's education and historic preservation mission.

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6:30 p.m.


George Washington's Mount Vernon, East Lawn

Thank you for supporting the 23rd Spirit of Mount Vernon

On behalf of the Regent and Vice Regents of the Mount Vernon Ladies’ Association, thank you to our sponsors and guests who attended and supported the 23rd Spirit of Mount Vernon on October 3, 2024.  We entered the event with the most raised in sponsorships to-date, and thanks to the auction, we reached $1 million for Mount Vernon’s mission by the end of the night. Huzzah! This incredibly meaningful generosity supports our mission of education, historic preservation, and the legacy of George Washington. We are grateful to have such wonderful ambassadors for Mount Vernon. We hope you will mark your calendar and please remember to include this event and important institution in your 2025 budget.

Please Save the Date:  
Thursday, October 9, 2025
24th Spirit of Mount Vernon Sunset Reception and Dinner

A special thanks goes out to the event’s incredible 2024 Co-Chair team:  Chip Davis, President & CEO, Healthcare Distribution Alliance; Matt Haller, President & CEO, International Franchise Association; Katherine Lugar, Executive Vice President for Corporate Affairs, Hilton; and Peter Rowan, Vice President U.S. Public Relations, Mars Inc.  Mount Vernon appreciates their extraordinary leadership!  We are also grateful for Ford Motor Company’s steadfast support as our presenting sponsor for the evening, and the ongoing commitment of past co-chairs who continue to be ambassadors for this event and estate.

Please view the event’s program to see all of the 2024 event sponsors and supporters, as well as photos from the evening. 


Looking at 2026 and America 250

As you look at your budgets, please consider not only 2025, but also 2026 for possible increased support as we celebrate the 250th birthday of America, as well as the 25th anniversary of the Spirit of Mount Vernon. George Washington and Mount Vernon will be central to the year’s celebrations and commemorations, and we hope all our past sponsors will return for a very special night.

The Spirit of Mount Vernon

Please join us on Thursday, October 9, 2025 for the 24th Spirit of Mount Vernon Sunset Reception and Dinner.  This patriotic, celebratory night supports Mount Vernon’s mission of education, historic preservation, and the legacy of George Washington.  Mount Vernon is undertaking two critical projects in the lead up to America250 celebrations, including stabilizing and securing the foundation of the Mount Vernon Mansion and revitalizing the exhibition on George Washington’s leadership.  Both of these projects are slated to be finished and reopened by the country’s semiquincentennial in 2026.  We have a goal of raising $1 million again in 2025!

The Spirit of Mount Vernon welcomes guests from the government affairs, association, corporate, and consulting communities, along with policy makers, for this popular autumn event.  Highlights include a sunset reception on the east lawn over-looking the Potomac River, a whiskey tasting bar, a patriotic moment with fireworks, an elegant seated dinner, and a live auction.

We hope you will mark your calendars and join us under the tent as we celebrate our foremost founding father’s leadership at his beloved home and the historic milestones leading up to America’s 250th birthday.

This event complies with Congressional and Administration ethics rules. 

View 2024 Event Photos

America250 and Mount Vernon

Mount Vernon stands as a symbol of the origins of our free and democratic country by living the principles of our foremost founding father, George Washington – the Indispensable Man for America’s independence.  Washington and our founding fathers built the foundation for a nation whose citizens would be free, working toward a more perfect union that has endured for 250 years.  In 2026, Mount Vernon and the country will proudly celebrate the 250th birthday of America’s independence and Washington’s leadership. The 2026 Spirit of Mount Vernon will also celebrate an important milestone, the event’s 25th anniversary. Please consider budgeting for increased sponsorship support in this historic, celebratory year!  We hope all our past sponsors and many new sponsors will join us in 2026 for a very special night!

2026 Spirit of Mount Vernon/America250 Leadership Committee

History of the Event

In late September of 2001, the association community, with the leadership of the Distilled Spirits Council of the United States and the Wine & Spirits Wholesalers of America, came together to begin an annual event, the Spirit of Mount Vernon, in support of Mount Vernon’s education and historic preservation mission. Notably, the inaugural event was held just days after the events of 9-11 and in the aftermath of one of the most challenging times in the history of our great nation. 

As we celebrate this annual event, we reflect on the challenges our country has faced with an eye to the importance of Mount Vernon’s civics and educational mission. Thanks to the support of the government affairs community, the Spirit of Mount Vernon has become one of the most popular evenings on the Washington, D.C. social and charitable calendar and has become Mount Vernon’s single largest fundraiser.

Sponsor Benefits

Sponsor benefits include event participation and recognition, as well as estate benefits that can be utilized throughout the year.



List of Current 2025 Sponsors

Spirit of Mount Vernon Proceeds

The proceeds from the Spirit of Mount Vernon supports our mission to preserve, restore, and manage the estate of George Washington to the highest standards and to educate visitors and people throughout the world about the life and legacies of George Washington so that his example of character and leadership will continue to inform and inspire future generations.

Presenting Sponsor

Ford Motor Company

2025 Co-Chair Leadership

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United States Chamber of Commerce

Suzanne Clark, President & CEO

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Matt DiLoreto, Vice President of Advocacy & Strategic Alliances

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National Grocers Association

Greg Ferrara, President & CEO

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Ben Jenkins, Partner

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Mike Parrish, Vice President Pubic Affairs, Science & Sustainability

Platinum Sponsors

Anniversary Sponsors

Gold Sponsors


Double Patron Sponsors

Patron Sponsors

Mount Vernon Ladies' Association

The Mount Vernon Ladies’ Association has owned and maintained George Washington’s Mount Vernon for more than 160 years.


Anne Neal Petri

Vice Regents

Maribeth Armstrong Borthwick
Vice Regent for California

Ann Haunschild Bookout
Vice Regent for Texas

Virginia Dawson Lane
Vice Regent for South Carolina


Laura Peebles Rutherford
Vice Regent for Alabama

Susan Marshall Townsend
Vice Regent for Delaware

Liz Rollins Mauran
Vice Regent for Rhode Island

Ann Cady Scott
Vice Regent for Missouri

Sarah Miller Coulson
Vice Regent for Pennsylvania

Andrea Notman Sahin
Vice Regent for Massachusetts

Catherine Hamilton Mayton
Vice Regent for Arkansas

Margaret Hartman Nichols
Vice Regent for Maine

Helen Herboth Laughery
Vice Regent for Wyoming

Catherine Marlette Waddell
Vice Regent for Illinois

Lucia Bosqui Henderson
Vice Regent for Virginia

Mary Lang Bishop
Vice Regent for Oregon

Elizabeth Medlin Hale
Vice Regent for Georgia

Ann Sherrill Pyne
Vice Regent for New York

Hilary Carter West
Vice Regent for the District of Columbia

Karen McCabe Kirby
Vice Regent for New Jersey

Adrian MacLean Jay
Vice Regent for Tennessee

Sarah Seaman Alijani
Vice Regent for Colorado

Susan Brewster McCarthy
Vice Regent for Minnesota

Carolyn Sherrill Fuller
Vice Regent for North Carolina

George Washington's Mount Vernon

George Washington’s skill as a general helped secure our independence. His leadership as our first president shaped this new nation. His enduring legacy continues to inspire us.

After falling into disrepair following his death in 1799, this historic property was rescued by the Mount Vernon Ladies’ Association. They opened it to the public in 1860. It is now the most visited historic home in America.

As a private non-profit organization, Mount Vernon does not accept government funds. On-site sales and donations allow us to pursue our mission to teach the world about George Washington and preserve his beloved home for future generations.


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