Mount Vernon Ladies' Association of the Union
Tax ID #54-0564701
Mail donations to the following address:
George Washington's Mount Vernon
Development Department
PO Box 110
Mount Vernon, VA 22121
Please make your checks payable to MVLA or Mount Vernon Ladies’ Association.
Mount Vernon takes credit card donations over the phone. We accept VISA, MasterCard, Discover, or American Express cards.
Phone Number: 703.799.8647
Consider making an impact by becoming a Mount Vernon Sustainer. Sustainers support Mount Vernon with monthly gifts via credit card. Sign up once and charges are processed subsequently on the first of the month.
Securities Transfer
Please use this information to transfer securities electronically to our broker:
DTC Number: 0062
Broker: Vanguard
Account Name: Mount Vernon Ladies' Association of the Union
Account Number: 43412932
Luis M. Espinal
Email: [email protected]
Phone: 1.800.662.0106, ext. 31648
Alt. Phone: 610.684.3534
*To make sure we can acknowledge your gift and provide appropriate documentation, please complete this form.
Wire Transfer
Thank you for your interest in wiring your donation to Mount Vernon. Please email us at [email protected] or 703.799.8647 to obtain the wire transfer information needed by your bank.
*To make sure we can acknowledge your gift and provide appropriate documentation, please complete this form.
Here’s how it works:
You must be 70½ or older to make a qualified tax-free charitable distribution. Instruct your plan administrator to send a check for a specific dollar amount directly to Mount Vernon Ladies’ Association of the Union.
Here is the information you will need to share with your financial advisor:
Legal Name: Mount Vernon Ladies’ Association of the Union
Tax ID: 54-0564701
Contact Person: Phil Manno, Chief Financial Officer
Phone Number: 703.799.8699
Address: P.O. Box 110, Mount Vernon, VA 22121
*To make sure we can acknowledge your gift and provide appropriate documentation, please have your advisor include your name on your IRA payment and complete this form.
Donor-Advised Funds (DAF)
As a section 501(c)(3) organization, George Washington’s Mount Vernon welcomes contributions you may recommend from a donor-advised fund (DAF).
IRS rules limit the use of DAF distributions for memberships providing benefits and event tickets. A membership without benefits is permitted.
Speak with your tax advisor regarding any questions you have about your DAF.
Here's how you can give:
1. Contact the entity that holds your DAF to recommend a gift to Mount Vernon.
2. In your correspondence, be sure to provide the amount of the grant and any other relevant details regarding the gift.
When giving through your donor-advised fund, please use the following information:
Legal Name: Mount Vernon Ladies’ Association of the Union
Tax ID: 54-0564701
Phone Number: 703.799.8699
Address: P.O. Box 110, Mount Vernon, VA 22121
Ways to Give:
- Authorize a new grant
- Make a recurring grant: You can set your donor advised fund account to make automatic recurring grants in the amount and frequency of your choice. All you need to do is log in to your account on your charitable sponsor’s website and select the ‘recurring’ option.
Name as successor beneficiary:
- You can also choose to have any remaining DAF funds distributed to George Washington’s Mount Vernon after your lifetime by naming the Mount Vernon Ladies’ Association as a beneficiary of all or a portion of the remaining funds. Ask your DAF administrator how to do this if instructions are not readily accessible online.
*To make sure we can acknowledge your gift and provide appropriate documentation, please complete this form.
Planned Giving
Gifts for the greatest impact.
Leadership Giving Societies