Slavery: George Washington's "Only Unavoidable Subject of Regret"
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What Were the Living Conditions of the Enslaved People at Mount Vernon?
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Why Did George Washington Have Slaves?
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Slavery: George Washington's "Only Unavoidable Subject of Regret"
George Washington’s life has been scrutinized by historians over the past three centuries, but the day-to-day lives of Mount Vernon’s enslaved workers have been largely left out of the story. Until now. Historian Mary Thompson's new book, "The Only Unavoidable Subject of Regret": George Washington, Slavery, and the Enslaved Community at Mount Vernon explores the enslaved community in greater detail than ever before.
Learn more:
0:00:07 What do we know about Washington’s early history with slavery?
0:01:15 What does slavery look like in Virginia during Washington’s youth?
0:02:40 Is there opposition to slavery during this time period?
0:03:24 What do the Quakers say about slavery?
0:03:43 In 1759, what happened to change Washington’s view of slavery?
0:05:31 After George and Martha Washington’s marriage, are they managing more than one plantation?
0:06:32 What is the day-to-day experience of someone managing multiple plantations in several Virginia counties?
0:07:12 How did Washington manage his plantation managers?
0:07:56 Did Washington’s letters to the plantation managers survive?
0:08:32 Did Washington purchase enslaved people?
0:09:45 Are the enslaved people that Washington is purchasing newly enslaved from Africa?
0:10:08 In the 1760s, does Washington show any changes in his thoughts on slavery?
0:11:04 Did the views of George Mason affect Washington?
0:12:05 Before the Revolutionary War, what is the scale of Washington’s ownership of enslaved people?
0:13:33 How did the Revolutionary War change Washington’s view of slavery?
0:15:58 Did Washington try to keep enslaved families together?
0:17:28 What was the quality of life of enslaved people during the Revolutionary War?
0:18:50 How does a war for liberty and rights affect enslaved people?
0:19:54 Are enslaved people running to the British?
0:20:22 What is the state of the Mount Vernon estate at the end of the Revolutionary War?
0:22:09 What labor and trades are enslaved people involved in at Mount Vernon?
0:23:58 What do enslaved artisans and craftspeople do at Mount Vernon?
0:25:11 What did Martha Washington do about slavery?
0:26:42 How involved was Washington in the management of enslaved people?
0:29:24 How involved was Washington in the punishment of enslaved people?
0:30:23 What was life like for enslaved children; at what age did they begin working?
0:32:33 What records did you use to write this book?
0:33:22 Do the records held by Mount Vernon document the events and people of the time?
0:34:10 Tell us about Hercules, an enslaved person, working as a cook at Mount Vernon.
0:37:40 Did George Washington own enslaved people while president?
0:38:50 Tell us the story of Ona Judge.
0:44:05 After Ona Judge ran away, how did the Washingtons deal with the situation?
0:46:10 When did Washington become an anti-slavery advocate?
0:48:01 What is the state of the Mount Vernon estate as Washington ends his presidency?
0:48:34 What is the size of the enslaved population at Mount Vernon and what are Washington’s plans?
0:49:59 After many years of living together, what happened when those enslaved by Washington and the Custis estate were separated?
0:51:29 What does Washington’s 1799 will say about those enslaved?
0:54:31 What is the relationship between the Washingtons and their long-serving enslaved people?
0:57:48 Compare Washington as a slave owner to other slave owners.
0:59:23 Did freed enslaved people remain at Mount Vernon?
1:01:24 Is there an effort to study the DNA of the enslaved people buried at Mount Vernon?
1:05:10 How does learning about slavery impact our understanding of Washington?
Slavery At Mount Vernon
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Hercules on the Death of George Washington
Slavery At Mount Vernon
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What Were the Living Conditions of the Enslaved People at Mount Vernon?
Slavery At Mount Vernon

Why Did George Washington Have Slaves?
Slavery At Mount Vernon
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Lives Bound Together Opening & Annual Slave Memorial Commemoration Ceremony
Slavery At Mount Vernon

Facebook Livecast: The Opening of our "Lives Bound Together" Exhibit
Slavery At Mount Vernon