Explore the wide range of subjects related to George Washington’s world and the colonial and founding eras.
The Digital Encyclopedia of George Washington was generously supported by Richard and Bonnie Dial in memory of Irby and George Prendergast.
Browse By Subject
- Agriculture (14)
- American Revolution (136)
- American West (18)
- Animals (12)
- Artists (15)
- Enslaved Community and Slavery (51)
- Family (29)
- Food and Drink (14)
- Gardens (5)
- Mansion (15)
- Military (31)
- Mount Vernon (22)
- Objects (13)
- Personal (71)
- Politics (28)
- Preservation (20)
- Presidency (36)
- Servants and Laborers (58)

16-Sided Barn
The 16-Sided barn on Washington's Dogue Run farm was one of the most innovative structures at Mount Vernon
Learn moreAmerican Revolution

Battle of Brandywine
The Battle of Brandywine, fought just outside of Philadelphia on September 11, 1777, resulted in an overarching British victory and the conquest of the rebel seat of government.
Learn more- 1779 Campaign
- Abigail Adams
- Adam Stephen
- Annis Boudinot Stockton
- Anthony Walton White
- Anthony Wayne
- Appointment as Commander in Chief
- Arthur St. Clair
- Asgill Affair
- Baron von Steuben
- Battle of Barren Hill
- Battle of Bennington
- Battle of Brandywine
- Battle of Cowpens
- Battle of Germantown
- Battle of Guilford Courthouse
- Battle of Harlem Heights
- Battle of Kip's Bay
- Battle of Long Island
- Battle of Monmouth
- Battle of Newtown
- Battle of Princeton
- Battle of Saratoga
- Battle of Second Trenton
- Battle of Stony Point
- Battle of Trenton
- Battle of White Plains
- Battle of the Chesapeake
- Benedict Arnold
- Benjamin Franklin
- Benjamin Franklin in London
- Benjamin Franklin, Espionage and Counter-Espionage
- Benjamin Tallmadge
- British Occupation of New York City
- Caleb Gibbs
- Cambridge
- Casimir Pulaski
- Cato
- Charles Cornwallis, 1st Marquess and 2nd Earl Cornwallis (1738-1805)
- Charles Lee
- Cincinnatus
- Committees of Correspondence
- Connecticut Raids
- Continental Army
- Conway Cabal
- Crossing of the Delaware
- Culper Spy Ring
- David Bushnell
- David CobbNew
- David Ramsay
- Declaration of Independence
- Diego María de Gardoqui y Arriquíbar (1735-1789)
- Disease in the Revolutionary War
- Elizabeth Thompson
- Elizabeth Willing Powel
- Francis Fauquier
- François-Jean de Chastellux
- George Hammond
- George Johnston
- George Lewis
- George Mason
- George Mercer
- George Washington's Marquee Tent
- George Weedon
- Gouverneur Morris
- H.M.S. Savage
- Henry Knox
- Henry Lee
- Hessians
- Horatio Gates
- Hudson River Campaign - 1779
- Hugh Mercer
- Isaac Hayne
- Israel Putnam
- James McHenry
- John André
- John Armstrong Jr.
- John Burgoyne
- John Cadwalader
- John Fitzgerald
- John Hancock
- John Laurens
- John Marshall
- Jonathan Boucher
- Joseph Brant
- Joseph Reed
- Letter to the Camp Committee
- Lewis Nicola
- Loyalists
- Major William JacksonNew
- Marquis de Lafayette
- Martha Washington and the American Revolution
- Meschianza
- Morristown, NJ
- Nathanael Greene
- New Windsor Cantonment
- New York Campaign
- New York Committee and Council of Safety
- New York Provincial Congress
- Newburgh Address
- Newburgh Conspiracy
- Oneida
- Patrick Henry
- Quebec Campaign
- Resignation of Military Commission
- Richard Kidder Meade
- Richard Varick
- Robert Hanson Harrison
- Rochambeau
- Samuel Blachley Webb
- Samuel Fraunces
- Siege of Boston
- Siege of Charleston - 1776
- Siege of Charleston - 1780
- Siege of Savannah
- Sir Guy Carleton
- Sir Henry Clinton
- Society of the Cincinnati
- Southern Strategy
- Tench Tilghman
- The Coercive (Intolerable) Acts of 1774
- The Marquis de Lafayette at Valley Forge
- Thomas Gage
- Thomas Mifflin
- Thomas Paine
- Treaty of Aranjuez (1779)
- Trinity Church
- Valley Forge
- Wilhelm von Knyphausen
- William Alexander, Lord Stirling
- William Livingston
- William Moultrie
- William Palfrey
- William Stephens Smith (1755-1816)
- William Washington
- Yorktown Campaign
American West

- Allegheny Expedition
- Bullskin Lands
- Christopher Gist
- Conotocarious
- Dismal Swamp Company
- George Croghan
- George Washington's Kentucky Lands
- Hugh Henry Brackenridge
- Jacob Van Braam
- Mississippi Land Company
- Northwest Ordinance
- Ohio River Valley
- Proclamation Line of 1763
- Surveying
- The "Indian Prophecy"
- The Kanawha Tracts
- The Potomac Company
- Washington and the West

There were many dogs living at Mount Vernon during George Washington's lifetime. These animals were owned by George and Martha Washington, by her grandchildren, by friends, and by slaves who lived on the estate. There is evidence from George Washington's papers that there were a large variety of dogs at Mount Vernon including many different breeds.
Learn moreArtists

Washington Irving
Washington Irving was one of the most famous American authors of the nineteenth century. While he is primarily remembered for short stories such as “Rip van Winkle” and “The Legend of Sleepy Hollow,” he also penned an extensive biography of George Washington.
Learn moreEnslaved Community and Slavery

Hercules Posey
Hercules Posey (1747?-1812) was an enslaved cook for George Washington during the 1780s and 90s. A renowned chef during his lifetime, Hercules self-emancipated from Mount Vernon in 1797.
Learn more- Austin
- Ben
- Betty
- Caesar
- Caroline Branham
- Census of the Enslaved Population at Mount Vernon, 1786 and 1799
- Charles
- Charlotte
- Christopher Sheels (1776 - ?)
- Davy Gray
- Dick Jasper
- Doll
- Edmund Parker
- Edy Jones
- Enslaved Burial Ground
- Fanny
- Frank Lee
- Gabriel Johnson (1820-c.1867)
- George
- George Washington and Slavery
- Giles
- Gradual Abolition Act of 1780
- Greenhouse Slave Quarters
- Hercules Posey
- House for Families
- Islam at Mount Vernon
- Kate
- Kitty
- Marquis de Lafayette's Plan for Slavery
- Nancy Carter Quander
- Ona Judge
- Plantation Structure
- Priscilla
- Private Lives of Slaves
- Sambo Anderson
- Slave Clothing
- Slave Control
- Slave Demographics
- Slave Labor
- Slave Quarters
- Slave Religion
- Slave Resistance
- Slavery and Family at Mount Vernon
- Slavery at Dogue Run Farm
- Slavery at Mansion House Farm
- Slavery at Muddy Hole Farm
- Slavery at River Farm
- Slavery at Union Farm
- Status of Slaves in Washington's Will
- Tom
- William (Billy) Lee

Elizabeth Parke Custis Law
Elizabeth Parke Custis Law was the eldest of Martha Washington's four surviving grandchildren.
Learn more- American Ancestry
- Ancestry
- Augustine Washington
- Ball Family
- Betty Washington Lewis
- Bushrod Washington
- Charles Washington (1738-1799)
- Coat of Arms
- Custis Family
- Eleanor "Nelly" Parke Custis
- Elizabeth Parke Custis Law
- Fairfax Family
- Fanny Bassett
- Fielding Lewis
- George Washington
- George Washington Parke Custis
- Howell Lewis
- John Augustine Washington III
- John Parke Custis
- Lawrence Lewis
- Lawrence Washington
- Martha Parke Custis
- Martha Parke Custis Peter
- Martha Washington
- Mary Ball Washington
- Parenting
- Popes Creek
- Robert Lewis
- William Augustine Washington
Food and Drink

Recipe for Small Beer
George Washington’s recipe for “Small Beer” appears in a 1757 notebook of his, which can be found today in its original form at the New York Public Library.
Learn moreGardens

Upper Garden
The upper garden was established in the 1760s and paralleled the lower or kitchen garden to its south. This garden was initially planted with fruit and nut trees, and was walled and rectangular in shape. In its early years the upper garden was a typical garden of necessity, planted for production rather than ornamentation. The garden remained basically unchanged until George Washington's return from the Revolutionary War in late 1783.
Learn moreMansion

New Room
Washington's New Room is the largest and most ornate of the rooms found within the Mount Vernon mansion.
Learn moreMilitary

Andrew Lewis
Andrew Lewis served as one of George Washington’s principal officers in the Virginia Regiment during the French and Indian War.
Learn more- Andrew Lewis
- Battle of the Monongahela
- Camp Followers
- Clement Biddle
- Dagworthy Controversy
- Daniel Morgan
- Deborah Sampson
- Edward Braddock
- Espionage Tactics
- Fabian Strategy
- Forbes Expedition
- Fort Duquesne
- Fort Necessity
- Frederick the Great
- French and Indian War
- George Baylor
- Grand Strategy
- Jumonville Glen Skirmish
- Life Guards
- Military Badges
- Military Discipline
- Military Education
- Pontiac's Rebellion
- Prisoners of War
- Seven Years' War
- Shays' Rebellion
- The Journal of Major George Washington
- Thomas Cresap
- West Point
- William Crawford
- Wills Creek
Mount Vernon

Learn more about the New Tomb at Mount Vernon - the Washington's final resting place.
Learn more- Benjamin Latrobe
- Blacksmith Shop
- Burials at Mount Vernon
- Christmas at Mount Vernon
- Development of Mount Vernon
- Dung Repository
- Gladys Quander Tancil (1921-2002)
- Growth of Mount Vernon
- Henry James's Pandora
- Hospitality at Mount Vernon
- Mansion
- Mary Morris Hamilton Schuyler (1818-1877)
- Mount Vernon Fisheries
- Music
- Overview of the Gristmill
- Pilgrimages to Washington's Tomb
- Servants' Hall
- Stable
- Thanksgiving
- Tobias Lear
- Tomb
- Washington's Distillery

Acts of Congress
One of the early responsibilities of the Congress' official printer was to prepare bound copies of the?
Learn morePersonal

Alexandria Academy
Incorporated by the Virginia Assembly in 1786, the Alexandria Academy was located in George Washington’s home community of Alexandria, Virginia. Washington contributed significantly to the Academy during his life and with provisions in his will.1 In his life time, he advised its Board of Trustees with his vision for the establishment, which included free education for some of the community's poor.
Learn more- Adam Stephen (ca. 1721-1791)
- Alexandria Academy
- Alexandria, Virginia
- Ancestry of William CostinNew
- Barbados
- Belvoir
- Bible
- Bier Carriers
- Catharine Sawbridge Macaulay Graham (1731-1791)
- Centennial of Washington's Birthday
- Cherry Tree Myth
- Christ Church, Alexandria
- Commemoration of George Washington's Birthday
- Courtship
- David Humphreys (1752 – 1818)
- David Stuart (1753-1814)
- Education
- Eulogies
- Father of His Country
- Fisher Ames
- Freemasonry
- Friends
- Funeral Ministers
- George Augustine Washington (ca. 1759-1793)
- George Washington and Ballooning
- George Washington and Entertainment
- George Washington and Religion
- George Washington and Travel
- George Washington and the Marquis de Lafayette
- George Washington in Popular Culture
- George Washington's Library
- George Washington's Papers
- George Washington's Will
- Georges Washington de Lafayette
- Honorary French Citizenship
- Horsemanship
- James Alexander Hamilton (1788-1878)
- James Craik
- James Wilson (1742-1798)
- John Greenwood (1760-1819)
- Joice Heth (c.1756 -1836)
- King's College
- Lord Fairfax
- Lucy Knox (1756-1824)
- Mercy Otis Warren (1728-1814)
- Mourning George Washington
- Mourning Washington by Laborers at Mount Vernon
- New York
- Pallbearers
- Parson Weems
- Patrick Lyon (1769-1829)
- Personality
- Peyton Randolph (1721-1775)
- Philip John Schuyler (1733–1804)
- Pohick Church
- Rhode Island
- Rocky Hill Experiment
- Sally Fairfax
- Sarah Livingston Jay (1756-1802)
- Shingas (fl. 1740-1763)
- Smallpox
- Social Education
- Spurious Quotations
- Stephen Moylan (ca. 1737-1811)
- The Death of George Washington
- The Legend of George Washington's Baptism
- The Rules of Civility and Decent Behaviour
- The Style of Martha Washington
- Vine and Fig Tree
- Washington's Views on Health
- Wooden Teeth Myth

Samuel Powel
Samuel Powel was an elite Philadelphia politician who was close friends with George and Martha Washington.
Learn more- Alexander Dallas
- Annapolis Convention
- Aurora General Advertiser
- Circular Letter to the States
- Classicism
- Constitutional Convention
- Darby Vassall
- Democratic-Republican Societies
- Federalist Papers
- First Continental Congress
- First United States Census, 1790
- First in War, First in Peace, and First in the Hearts of His Countrymen
- House of Burgesses
- Mount Vernon Conference
- Native American Policy
- Pacificus/Helvidius Letters
- Porcupine’s Gazette
- Press Attacks
- Quasi War
- Ratification of the Constitution
- Robert Dinwiddie
- Robert Morris
- Samuel Powel
- The Articles of Confederation
- Timothy Pickering
- William Grayson
- Winchester, Virginia
- XYZ Affair

Ann Pamela Cunningham
Ann Pamela Cunningham created the Mount Vernon Ladies' Association in 1853
Learn more- Allied visits to Mount Vernon during the Second World War
- Ann Pamela Cunningham
- Early History of the Mount Vernon Ladies' Association
- Early Refurnishing Efforts: Lafayette Room
- Early Refurnishing Efforts: Old Chamber
- Edward Everett
- Elizabeth Bryant Johnston
- Fidel Castro's Visit to Mount Vernon
- Foreign Leaders and Post World War II Diplomacy (1951-1955)
- MVLA Early Refurnishing Efforts: The Yellow Room
- Mount Vernon During World War II
- Mount Vernon Guidebooks: 1876-1936
- Mount Vernon Guidebooks: 1937-1976
- Mount Vernon Ladies' Association: Early Fundraising
- Mount Vernon and American Domestic Architecture
- Mount Vernon as Architectural Inspiration
- The Civil War Years
- The Mount Vernon Ladies' Association and the Women’s Suffrage Movement
- The Prince of Wales Visits Mount Vernon, 1860
- West Ford

Alexander Hamilton
Alexander Hamilton was a founding father of the United States, who fought in the American Revolutionary War, helped draft the Constitution, and served as the first secretary of the treasury. He was the founder and chief architect of the American financial system.
Learn more- Accepting the Presidency
- Alexander Hamilton
- Benjamin Franklin Bache
- Cabinet Members
- Creek Nation
- Department of the Treasury
- Edmond Charles Genet
- Edmund Randolph
- First Annual Address to Congress
- First and Second Inaugurals
- Genet Affair
- George Washington and the Supreme Court
- George Washington's Farewell Address
- James Madison
- Jay Treaty
- John Adams
- John Jay
- Levees (Receptions)
- Life in New York City
- Martha Washington During the Presidency
- Morocco
- Moses Seixas
- National Gazette
- Neutrality Proclamation
- New England Tour
- Pierre L'Enfant
- Presidential Diplomacy
- Presidential Election of 1789
- Presidential Election of 1792
- Presidential Entertaining
- Presidential Precedents
- Presidential Residency in New York
- Southern Tour
- Thomas Jefferson
- Touro Synagogue
- Whiskey Rebellion
Servants and Laborers
- Albin Rawlins
- Alexander Cleveland
- Anthony Whiting
- Caleb Stone
- Caven Bowe
- Cornelius McDermott Roe
- David Cowan
- Eleanor Forbes
- George Young
- Goin Lanphier
- Henry Young
- Hugh Archer
- James Anderson
- James Bloxham
- James Boyd
- James Butler
- James Donaldson
- Johann Christian Ehlers
- John Allison
- John Askew
- John Ball
- John Broad
- John Evans
- John Fairfax
- John Gottleib Richter
- John Knowles
- John Neale
- John Patterson
- John Saunders
- John Stadler
- John Violet
- Jonathan Alton
- Joseph Cash
- Matthew Baldridge
- Michael Tracy
- Patrick Callahan
- Philip Bateman
- Richard Boulton
- Richard Burnet
- Richard Tharpe
- Sarah Harle
- Servants and Marriage
- Susanna Bishop
- Thomas Bishop
- Thomas Branagan
- Thomas Brooks
- Thomas Davis
- Thomas Green
- Thomas Mahony
- Thomas Spear
- Turner Crump
- William Garner
- William Pearce
- William Roberts
- William Skilling
- William Spence
- William Stewart
- William Triplett