- Asparagus and Eggs
- Baked Mushrooms
- Baked Onions with Pecans
- Braised Onions
- Butternut Squash Puree with Thyme
- Cabbage Cooked in Orange Juice
- Carrot Casserole
- Carrot Fritters
- Carrot Ring
- Cauliflower in White Sauce
- Cheese Au Gratin Potatoes
- Cherry Tomatoes with Rum
- Corn Fritters
- French Beans (or Carrots) Dressed the Dutch Way
- Fried Green Tomatoes
- Fried Tomatoes
- Great Grandmother's Corn Pudding
- Green Bean Casserole
- Green Peas with Cream
- Mary Gene's Onions with Cheese
- Mustard Sauce for Hot Vegetables
- Onion Pye
- Ragoo of Asparagus
- Ragoo of Onions
- Salamongundy
- Snibbled Beans
- Stewed Parsnips
- Stewed Peas and Lettuce
- Summer Squash or Zucchini Casserole
- Sweet Potato and Orange Casserole
- To Dress Turnips
- To Dress a Dish of Mushrooms